The Future of Pickleball: 3 Must-Have Pickleball Training Aids to Improve Your Game

The Future of Pickleball: 3 Must-Have Pickleball Training Aids to Improve Your Game

There comes a time in every pickleball player’s journey when all they want is to get better.  

Whether you’re an enthusiast playing for fun at a local park, an amateur trying to make a career out of the sport or a professional training for the biggest match of your life — there’s nothing wrong with improving. 

In fact, it’s completely natural to want more from yourself — especially on the pickleball court. 

It’s like Mark Twain once said: “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” 

Of course, that brings us to the million dollar question — how does one improve at pickleball?

It’s a tough question to answer because improvement looks different and means different things to each and every one of us. And what works for one pickleball player might not work for other pickleball players.

The good news is there’s a training aid out there for everyone. 

Most players just need to figure out what works best for them. 

With that said, let’s take a look at four of the most prominent pickleball training aids available today. 

First and Foremost: The Best Pickleball Training Aid of Them All

Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” 

Of all the things you could buy and videos you could watch to improve your pickleball skills, nothing will come remotely close to the experience you gain from playing and practicing with other pickleball players. 

It’s hands-down your best source of improvement.

Plus, it’s a great way to form new friendships!

That could mean finding someone to run drills with or play 1-on-1 with at the park, joining a team in your local area, hiring a coach to help you improve certain aspects of your game or going to a pickleball class. 

As long as you’re playing, you’re practicing — and as long as you’re practicing, you’re improving!

3 Practical & Effective Pickleball Training Aids

You might be asking yourself, “What is a pickleball training aid? And how can it improve my game?”

A pickleball training aid refers to any type of tool, device, machine, accessory or piece of equipment designed to help players improve their skills, technique, form or overall performance in pickleball. 

Some training aids help improve accuracy and paddle control. 

Others might focus on reaction time, footwork or specific shots. 

For example, two-toned pickleball balls can help players better track the ball's rotation and movement during play. This can be crucial in learning how to master techniques like topspin, backspin and sidespin.

Here are three other popular, practical and effective pickleball training aids you should try this year!

3. Pickleball Launcher

A pickleball launcher is a lot like its distant cousin — the tennis ball launcher. It’s a machine designed to shoot pickleballs at players, ultimately mimicking real-game scenarios for practice and training purposes.

They can be programmed to vary the speed, direction, spin and frequency of the balls they release.

Pickleball launchers allow players to practice individual pickleball skills — serves, returns, volleys, dinks, etc. — by hitting the balls it consistently throws at them. It also reduces the need for a pickleball partner.

2. Pickleball Rebound Net

A pickleball rebound net is essentially a net stretched over a sturdy frame — tight enough that it would bounce the ball back to you if you hit it. It’s the perfect way to practice when you don’t have a partner. 

For example, it can help players build muscle memory with certain shots, such as dinks or volleys. 

Most pickleball rebound nets are lightweight and easy to set up, meaning you can practice your skills just about anywhere — even in a small garage or basement. Just make sure you don’t break anything!

1. Lightning Loop

The Lightning Loop is a pickleball training aid that fits snugly along the border of your favorite paddle. At four ounces, it results in a 50% increase in paddle weight, which can come in handy on training days.

It’s a lot like a weighted donut in baseball, but for your pickleball paddle. 

Not only is it easy to install, but it’s designed to be adjustable — ensuring it fits around any paddle, including your control paddle, all-court paddle and power paddle. One Lightning Loop for all your paddles!

Designed for Players, Coaches and Enthusiasts

Are you looking for a new and improved way of working on your pickleball game? Do you need something that’ll take your pickleball team to the next level? Do you want to get the most out of each practice sesh?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, then you’ve come to the right place. 

With the Lightning Loop, your pickleball training aid goes wherever your paddle goes!

By adding a little weight to your paddle, you’ll notice an increase in hand speed and forearm strength — which can directly translate to greater precision, control, consistency and power in your beautiful swing.

Ready to give it a try? Pick up your Lightning Loop today at our online shop — you won’t regret it!